
In which I announce my intentions to move my technical/nerd shit to its own site.

I’ve been blogging over at adamisrael.com for a long time, but I’ve gotten kind of grumpy about the mashup between technical, writing, and life content. It’s become unwieldly to manage, which means that I just…stopped.

The plan going forward is to use this site for my nerd/technical content. So if you’ve found your way here, hi! Content is a little thin right now, but I’ll slowly transition my older posts here as well as adding new ones.

Without getting bogged down in the technical details (I’ll save that for another day), I’ve created this site with Hugo, after a failed experiment with Zola. I’d rather have used Zola because it’s written in Rust but it required me to write too much html by hand to achieve what I wanted. I’ll revisit Zola again in the future, though.

I threw the site, along with a couple old posts, into a github repo, and with the help of Zell Liew, have it auto-deploying the static content via Github Actions + Rsync.

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